The offering information has been written by the practitioner astrologer in different time for many years of interpreting the horoscopes to the various people. In time this practice got up an appearance of notes, tables, diagrams.
The suggesting material is oriented on the widest circle of people, who are fond of mystery knowledge - from the youngers in the occult sciences - to the most serious esoterics.
As the subject of astrology is too wide, let's understand at first, what an Astrology isn't. Mass media, and also, mild speaking, not enogh competent 'astrologers', promoted of the creation of a stereotype's perception of Astrology as a guessing art, adding it with the preposteros piece buffoonery image.
On the following step it is necessary to put a fundament for the deliberate of the world religion ideal which was created, is and will be for ever time for changing our consciousness in accordance with the position of the highest planets in the Signes of the Trans-formation zone: Pluto in Sagittarius, Neptune in the Aquarius.
But, the main thing is the Astrology can answer not only the question ' when ', but 'how' as well, to everybody, to reach Spiritual Realization, what is the mission of the every concrete man on this planet, with what aim his spirit appeared, what his Karma is ( selfish or altruistic aspirations prevailing on the moment of born of a man ).
The Astrology helps us to understand the causual-resulting connections of the events, which happen to a man...
Making good for Jesus Criest we are getting the Holy Ghost
The human being goes away from the influence of Karma in the 2 following conditions:
1. If he doesn't attach the results of his good actions
in favour of family, collective, people, planet, system and so
on ( in depend on the point of his own evolution ).
2. If he fulfills commandments the beginning from One ( all religions take one source -
the Unified God )
As far as such man is moving by his Way the more often his own will will be coinciding with the Will of the God, and, meanings it will be fullfilled his planning deals more often.
From the point, when the man had decided to live in accordance with the God's commandments, when he sincerely repented, all his last matured on the moment of the repentance Karma is being ' burnt ' and the main thing for him becomes not to commit new sins - unobserving the commandments:
"After what Jesus findess him in the Temple and said unto him:
Behold, thou, art made whole sin no more, lest worse thing come unto thee."
IOANN 5:14
The words "lest worse thing come unto thee" speaks about uncommensurably growing power of payment for the making deliberate sin ( after releasing the sins ).
...the categories of the 'good' and 'evil' are not in the worlds, lying as higher so lower the level of the Human Kingdom - center in the body of the Planet's Logos.
The Human Kingdom - center in the body of the Planet's Logos.
We are living in the time of the transferring from the
era Pisces to the era Aquarius - from epoch of beliving to the epoch of Knowledge.
In the period of the influence of the Pisces the deepest religion sences of people were opened. It can be calling the era of the Christianty. Era of the Aquarius - the beginning of the epoch of the Unified Religion on the planet. The Unified Religion is impossible to understand only as a new * religion believing. The Unified Religion is, in the first place, the realizing on the planet the changing of the consciousness of the people in the question of the attitude to the God. Being increased the influence of the 7-th Ray - the Ray of Order, is organised the free will in the attitude to the culte of any religion of the Light Way and an absence of the untolerancy to the consequenters of another confession, that means that not one beleaving for all, but a free will in the question of the choosing religion: it isn't nessesary to make a man in the situation of the obliging public confession in the belonging to any party:
"He that is unjust let him be be unjust still; he, which is unclear let him be filthy still; he that is righteous let him be righteous still; he that is holy let him be holies still."
Free consience means not an obliging, but a right of a man to consider himself a follower of any religion.
*dark religions - are the religions, in rituals they violate the Right of the Criminal Code of the State.
* about "new". Unified Religion ( as doctrine) is as old as this world. It is an attempt of our perfectlessness to express U n l i m i t n e s s of the God. it have early said, at the same time with the transferring to the era of the Aquarius, passing the changing of the ruling 6-th Ray - Ray of Belief free the place to the
Ray of Order - the Order, establishing on the Knowledge. It must not frighten jealousers of the 'belief'. Knowledge doesn't deny the belief, it doesn't take a fanatizm. A person who knows of any subject needn't believe in it, as he has a concrete knowledge - I see this subject, can touch it, sence. Only such verified knowledge esoterist takes into his 'luggage', and before this it is only hypothesises, guessings, though, maybe, very interesting. But all paradox is that mystics study the invisible worlds, non-material in understanding of people, not acquaintance with the spiritual postulates, that means - investigators of Astral Plan study what is impossible to touch by hand, to see or to hear.
How does the knowledge about invisible world come to us?
One of its way - through The Law of Similar's ( Analogies ): ' What above is similar that below '
An Astral World for us ( as we are now ) is invisible, but we have the idea about the reflection of the Astral World in our visible World - about symbols. Symbols - is transferring point between fisichal and Astral Worlds ( as so as etheric body is a transferring one between the human body and astral body ).
We delibirate the symbols trough the Intellect - connecting point between Sensetive ( Emotional) and Eventing ( Causual) Plan of Being.
The science of the symbols is a basic, fundament of the Astrology.
"Is there any free will, Father?
- How much will so much freedom.
From the talks on platform of IV-th path
To become free from tne negative influence of the Sun means to refuse from feeling of ones own impotency. If one wants to understand what does it mean he should read "Teaching of Don Huan" by Karlos Kastaneda, or he should just think about his selfishness.
To become free from the negative influence of Mars and Pluto means to free oneself from anger, agression and desire to controll others. To work on the influence of Pluto also means work with people, with energies and magic. Now lets talk about Houl/Supreme Planets.
Jupiter - reqires to concor ones proud. Jupiters energy refers to philosophy, culture and ideology.
Mercury - reqires oneself to become free from hypocrisy duality, unwanted talks and cheatings in any cases. If you want to understand how to owercome negative influence of Mercury you can read a very interesting book of Avessalom
Podwodnyi "The narration about the subtle seventh", chapters about "toropishka".
Venus relates to lasiness and desires to have unnesesary comfort life.
(course of Parfiryi Ivanov will help you here).
Saturn - saddness, reserve, pessimizm.
Uranus playing the fool, making shows, cheatings in spiritual matters.
Neptun - illusion, living in unreal life, serarchinf for Guru, who will take away ouw karmic reactions, spiritual narcomany - perverded tantric cultures, sects, "if you pay you will become inisiated on 25 degree!". On the way to perfection one should remember : desire to concor ones faults will not fe usefull unless one will be able to find his main faultor a few main). In this age of Kali Yuga, age of hipocrisy and begotry we can not reqire from others about our negative qualities. In modern society it's not a custom to say that to each others. This is covered by the beautifull words like diplomacy and good manners. We are not against culture but we are against putting to sleep our consience. _